RetroArch 是款功能强大的跨平台模拟器,不但能够模拟许多不同的游戏主机,还能在 Windows、MacOS、Linux、Android、iOS 以及多种游戏主机上执行。
Usage: retroarch [OPTIONS]… [FILE]
-h, –help Show this help message.
-v, –verbose Verbose logging.
–log-file FILE Log messages to FILE.
–version Show version.
–features Prints available features compiled into program.
–menu Do not require content or libretro core to be loaded,
starts directly in menu. If no arguments are passed to
the program, it is equivalent to using –menu as only argument.
-s, –save=PATH Path for save files (.srm). (DEPRECATED, use –appendconfig and savefile_directory) -S, –savestate=PATH Path for the save state files (.state). (DEPRECATED, use –appendconfig and savestate_directory)
–set-shader PATH Path to a shader (preset) that will be loaded each time content is loaded.
Effectively overrides automatic shader presets.
An empty argument “” will disable automatic shader presets.
-f, –fullscreen Start the program in fullscreen regardless of config settings.
-c, –config=FILE Path for config file.
Defaults to retroarch.cfg in same directory as retroarch.exe.
If a default config is not found, the program will attempt to create one.
Extra config files are loaded in, and take priority over
config selected in -c (or default). Multiple configs are
delimited by ‘|’.
-L, –libretro=FILE Path to libretro implementation. Overrides any config setting. FILE may be one of the following:
1. The full path to a core shared object library: path/to/_libretro.
2. A core shared object library ‘file name’ (): _libretro. 3. A core ‘short name’ (): _libretro OR
(*) If ‘file name’ or ‘short name’ do not correspond to an existing full file path,
the configured frontend ‘cores’ directory will be searched for a match
–subsystem=NAME Use a subsystem of the libretro core. Multiple content
files are loaded as multiple arguments. If a content
file is skipped, use a blank (“”) command line argument.
Content must be loaded in an order which depends on the
particular subsystem used. See verbose log output to learn
how a particular subsystem wants content to be loaded.
-N, –nodevice=PORT
Disconnects controller device connected to PORT (1 to 16).
-A, –dualanalog=PORT
Connect a DualAnalog controller to PORT (1 to 16).
-d, –device=PORT:ID
Connect a generic device into PORT of the device (1 to 16).
Format is PORT:ID, where ID is a number corresponding to the particular device.
-P, –bsvplay=FILE Playback a BSV movie file.
-R, –bsvrecord=FILE Start recording a BSV movie file from the beginning.
–eof-exit Exit upon reaching the end of the BSV movie file.
-M, –sram-mode=MODE SRAM handling mode. MODE can be ‘noload-nosave’,
‘noload-save’, ‘load-nosave’ or ‘load-save’.
Note: ‘noload-save’ implies that save files WILL BE OVERWRITTEN.
-H, –host Host netplay as user 1.
-C, –connect=HOST Connect to netplay server as user 2.
–port=PORT Port used to netplay. Default is 55435.
–stateless Use “stateless” mode for netplay
(requires a very fast network).
Check frames when using netplay.
–command Sends a command over UDP to an already running program process.
Available commands are listed if command is invalid.
–nick=NICK Picks a username (for use with netplay). Not mandatory.
-r, –record=FILE Path to record video file.
Using .mkv extension is recommended.
–recordconfig Path to settings used during recording.
Overrides output video size when recording.
-U, –ups=FILE Specifies path for UPS patch that will be applied to content.
–bps=FILE Specifies path for BPS patch that will be applied to content.
–ips=FILE Specifies path for IPS patch that will be applied to content.
–no-patch Disables all forms of content patching.
-D, –detach Detach program from the running console. Not relevant for all platforms.
Runs for the specified number of frames, then exits.
Takes a screenshot at the end of max-frames.
Path to save the screenshot to at the end of max-frames.
Enables accessibilty for blind users using text-to-speech.
Open menu instead of quitting if specified core or content fails to load.
-e, –entryslot=NUMBER
Slot from which to load an entry state
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